Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Bride & Groom who sprung a "Surprise" Wedding on their guests this afternoon. The hinterland was soft and misty but inside, you could feel the warmth — at Spicers Clovelly Estate.

Monday, 1 December 2014

“Happy Days”  Saturday's afternoon wedding at Reception Pelican Waters  Everything went perfectly and the Bride and Groom were so happy they choose to travel all the way from Toowoomba to hold their wedding in Caloundra. Fantastic photos by shellbellsphotography Michelle Harfoot and Cloud Nine Weddings did the beautiful decorating.... — at Pelican Waters Golf Club 

Sunday, 23 November 2014


Help your kids become wedding experts by reading them books about weddings. 
Some of our favorite were The Most Special Flower Girl, The Best Ever Ring Bearer and the coloring book At the Wedding. You can even show your kids some videos of kids in action at a wedding. There are lots of videos online, but I bet your kids will get a kick out of seeing your own wedding. This will help them understand what will be expected of them.
 Rehearse at home once a week in the two months leading up to the wedding and then a few days a week right before the wedding. 
Get the kids dressed up in their dresses and shoes and walk down a pretend aisle holding hands. If you know that they will be tossing flower petals or carrying a bouquet, you can make your own props for them to practice with. This is also a great time to get used to the clothes and break in the shoes they will be wearing. You don't want your child's first time in the wedding clothes and shoes to be the day of the wedding. Too many things can go wrong.
 It’s the sitting quietly and still, during the wedding ceremony that holds the greatest opportunity for disruption. Let's face it, kids are not used to sitting quietly for long periods of time and wedding vows are probably not very interesting for them. Grandparents come in handy here… 

if the children are too young to stand for the duration, have them sit with Grandparents or parents and keep them occupied with a bag of tricks - a pad and crayon or if you are worried about your child dirtying their wedding clothes, you can skip the crayon and have Playdough  - keep little hands and minds busy.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Trudy McGee Sunshine Coast Celebrant - Finalist in Palazzo Versace Desginer of Dreams Awards

Wow.... a big "Thank You" to my Brides for making me a "Finalist for Celebrants" in the Palazzo Versace Designer of Dreams Awards. Sensational and what an honour however I could not have achieved this without my lovely couples taking the time and effort to do this...so very much appreciated....again..... Thank You so very much!!

Sunshine Coast Celebrant Trudy McGee at Clio's on Rosemount

Bride - Julie Morton - her great advice for staying calm and in the "moment"

Julie wrote:   "We stayed together the night before and I left early in the morning.  Having that moment when you first see each other all dressed up as you walk down the aisle was so special to share with our guests.  If you are nervous, you need to discuss what is making you nervous and make sure it isn't being uncertain of commitment!  My groom was worried about being the focus of attention, so we choose a pageboy who we knew would wander off course and make us laugh.
We also worked with our fabulous Celebrant - Trudy McGee - to come up with funny moments during the ceremony to relax us.  A good Celebrant, like Trudy,  has lots of tips to cope with nerves.  It was most important to me that I found a Celebrant who was warm and friendly but also was good at putting emotion and humour into our ceremony".    married 3rd October 2014

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Trudy McGee, Sunshine Coast Celebrant at Anzac Park, Kings Beach, Caloundra

Anzac Memorial Park was chosen to honour the joining of "forces" once again between Australia and New Zealand as the Bride was from N.Z and the groom, Australian.
Comment from the Bride: 26/10/14
Trudy McGee what an amazing celebrant!! We can not express how grateful we are for having you on our special day!! Thank you very much!! — Cassandra and Daniel Married 25/10/14